There are few materials that cannot be recycled. The most common recyclables include paper, batteries, plastics, and glass. According to the latest data from the EPA, paper products make up the largest percentage (26%) of all waste materials in the United States. This is an upward trend that can continue to improve. Make sure to keep magazines, cardboard boxes, and mail out of the trash.
Progress on plastic recycling has been slow in the United States. Back in 1970 less than 1% of plastic waste was recycled, and that number 45 years later was only 9%. Plastic places an added stressor on landfills as it can take anywhere from five to 600 years to break down.
You can recycle those soup cans, soda cans, and even aluminum foil! Make sure to clean off any food particles before you toss it in the recycle bin. Americans currently discard about 2.7 million tons of aluminum each year and only about 50% is recycled.
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